Sunday, August 28, 2011

More Fun With Hipstamatic

At a craft fair this weekend, one of the vendors was saying that she has very few of her products on her Etsy site, because jewelry can be so hard to photograph.  That led me to think about how much fun it might be to photograph jewelry in an "artsy," Hipstamatic-kind-of-way!!


  1. Hurrah for the i-phone, and all of its creative possibilities!

  2. Love your eclectic blog. I choose a favorite (February), and then I look further and see other items that catch my fancy --M0ther's Day Gifts, Rain, Rain, etc. You are a creative young woman and I love your poetic descriptions.
    Mary (in San Diego)

  3. Thanks, Mary! What a nice compliment. It was one of my New Year's Resolutions this year to do more crafting, so this blog helps keep me accountable!
